Wednesday 27 July 2011

Thing 9: organising tools (Evernote)

I've only just realised the significance of the Evernote logo (which I love btw) being an elephant, duh! Evernote's pitch is: put your thoughts, ideas, inspiration, and things to remember all in one place. I like the idea of using it as a memory substitute that I can access from anywhere, and once I've downloaded the app to my phone I think it could be really useful for sorting out travel logistics in particular. But a) I already have a few tools that help me remember and organise stuff and b) I'm a bit worried that I don't have any 'thoughts, ideas, inspiration' to capture!

Having downloaded the software I can see that it's a pretty powerful tool, and one of those things that, once embedded in the way you do things, is impossible to do without. But it's going to take some time for this embedding to happen, in my case. At the moment it just doesn't occur to me to make my own notes about webpages, or to take photos of things I want to remember. Perhaps it should. After all, I wrote in my very first cpd23 post that ' I need to better absorb and reflect on the learning I'm doing every day' and if I don't get things out of my head and into more concrete form, that can't happen. But it's just so much quicker and easier to think 'ooh yes that's interesting, I'll bookmark it on Delicious' than to come up with an actual thought about something...

I did try out Evernote this morning to make notes during an online workshop I was (virtually) attending, and then tried sharing my note with a colleague using the email function, but this promptly crashed the programme. I like the sharing idea in theory though. I think I now need to add the Web Clipper to my browser to get full value from it, not to mention actually having some original ideas about stuff that I want to record!

1 comment:

  1. It took me about six months to become complete integrated (key one for me was not being self conscious recording voice notes), but my trunk is full of stuff I refer to all the time. Though I don't do much sharing via Evernote, more once the quarter knocked up idea is turned into the proper idea.
