What? (recalling)
I created this blog and used it to consider what I hope to get out of the 23 Things course.
So what? (evaluating)
I haven't blogged regularly for years, and wasn't sure I really wanted (or had time) to, but interestingly I found that the very fact of having a blog made me think slightly more deeply about things. I was thinking in terms of paragraphs again, rather than 140-character Twitter-bites. However, I was typically overeager to get started so didn't take much time to select/customise my blog template, and I ended up with something I didn't really like the look of.
What now? (applying)
I have now changed the design of this blog to something that feels a bit more 'me'. I don't know whether it matters that I didn't start out with a fully-formed perfect design, but in future I want to take more time to consider the impact, on me and others, of making speedy decisions that I later have to undo. I also want to maintain the more thoughtful style that blogging has brought back into my professional thinking.
Photo by elycefeliz on Flickr
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